It is not the aim to produce an exhaustive piece of literature, rather this is a merely a brief overview of, CEO and Founder of Creative Concept YouthBiography
He was born in the house of his grandfather.
Through his journey as young person he had the privilege of meeting and being friends with many celebrities who have moved on to do other things
Regarding his behaviour towards his friends and relatives he stays neutral and believes that they are people that we should enjoy their company and honour them.
He came to this country when he was a small baby 40 days old and lived at many address.. Living at one from the age of 6 years – 10 years of age was a period when he learnt the skills of survival and respecting people who do wrong to you.
There was great enjoyment as well as that was a period that he learnt poetry,
At the age of 11 years of age he attended a normal school from the period of 1994-1999. That was a most momentous period for him because he loved the teachers and environment he stayed there for so long enduring he negative aspects in that time to sit all his GCSE's and getting an al round education.
From year 8 on wards he was looking to form friendships and have some kind of childhood friends so he went out there looking people to hang about, those times were very adventurous as he went out of his comfort zone risking making mistakes. He persevered as his intention was genuine.
When he had work experience at job centre his confidence grew and spoke more as he was extremely shy and did not speak much. In the area he lived he went to a youth centre, there he met and made many friends and the good pleasure he got them times, it was a time of learning, adventure, going through many experiences as well. He learnt a great deal from them. Everyday he went out and made friends with many others.
He gained a qualification in the subject of Media which installed the love of many things media of course.
He finished college to take some rest, left his stuff to improve his religion, health and life. Dedicated his time to work in the community and for personal development.
He's words of wisdom, understand the meaning? : )
'' If you do good you do it for yourself, do not expect anyone to acknowledge or appreciate it'
“This whole aspects life is based on religion, i.e. life is full of problems and obstacle in translated as life is full of test and tribulations"
“there are in society which is bad which you want to acquire, go about getting it the right way without upsetting anyone physically and emotionally"
“It is dangerous to change yourself, more about going for a path of moral perfection and not hurting anyone"
From then after much hard work and dedication at a later stage he gained a BSc Cyber Security and Networks and worked towards improving his knowledge and experience on this.