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In this section we aiming create an area full of knowledge and information about everything and anything, hopefully turn it into a on-line magazine. Even a printed publication in the future. Any contributions please let us know as we hope to make it enjoyable, information and colourful
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Transliteration_of_the_Quran_download.pdf Size : 1676.158 Kb Type : pdf |
You c me i hate beef, fighting i mean
Living in england there is so much of it
and there jealousy amongst guys when a guy the be walking with a buff girl called ...and be seen! : )
Not me as it is a notion of stupidity as i was friends with a lot of girl
but when there are few like .... you really like and respect
and amongst us are many bad people want you to get in coke and the temptation sell
In western society they say especially the religious elders everyone is corrupt
In England compared to other countries like saudia arabia there is more freedom to do what you want, but you need to do something else to get what you want, do it the good way
It is how true you are to yourself and stay decent and me I need to c a bit of everything in life and put something in my CV and tell stories that make people happy and make every ones day!
In this world we have many relationships with our brothers and sisters. some which are so different to us, its so complicated, nothing guaranteed to last
So when we have disagreements with our family members husband/wife,mother,sister,brothers, we should see it as a test and let it past
I based my life like like a marriage may be that may be difficult for you to understand, i like my family members but they are off-key different and may not understand your needs and that's why I said I can't see it work
I tell my mum stop screaming at me she won't stop as I become ill every so often because of it, that the way she is and I still have to be safe to her as she is my mum
I looked at your some of your pictures that the life you deserve in your union and I pray that it may continue forever the love of sister in law and mother in law, as you know my name is kalam
A person who aims to make the right intentions, you c it is an ongoing process to reach the status of noble character but you do it for yourself and then to fulfil the obligations to younger siblings and to make sure they are al right
Once you read namaaz 5 times a day everything becomes okay that what happened to me i used to have nightmares no they are gone almost especially as read namaaz sometimes at night
What is the meaning if being religious, I always made sure my intention was right and hoped for the best, i was at uni and they gave me book author to help me with my assignments, i said i must be lucky and they said we all trying to help get the best for you
That was so sweet and so nice as I realised ages ago as well, you cant rely prayer alone, you have make things happen in a peaceful way, what do you think, do you think this is true?
Another things we complain about so much evil in society, but do you observe how big the city is, because of this something is always going on,
you have two choices(more complicated than that as there more to say) you either live there full of so much people and reach a level of comfort and don't be affected by it or live in a quite place where there is hardly any people and you don't have no problems, what a long poem by a person called kalam hope that you was happy that i was born

Does Tv brainwash you and is it lots of popaganda? Is music bad for you and make you do bad things
Well basically if you listen to music about violence and negativity it will have a bad effect on you. It is the same with tv. You might think you are mature and can resist it however your brain from the best of my knowledge absorbs it and that is dangerous.
We have detox programme for our body to remove toxins. I am thinking and doing more research to find something to cleanse our mind ,make it fresh and away from thoughts that we want to do bad things to people and son on. Difficult though as someone mentioned 11,000 thoughts goes through a persons mind each day, keep you updated
skills-means knowledge of a subject
practical-experience it with the mind and body in other words being in that environment
theory-learning through written tasks, books, tutors etc
Baffled-now you know something that people do not tell you about!
What is a normal person?
A colleague ask his doctor my brother is normal. He was a mind doctor. He goes what is normal. And then he asks I want to work. The doctor goes if you can hack it. Then he asks one of his friends how do you get used to work. A senior politician it was goes you don't. Then a another top friend goes to him if we had the answer to that we all be rich. And then his friends brother in Law goes to him that the millionaire dollar question.
The conclusion is you have to find your own way to get used to work and understanding what normal person. It from experience found that a normal person is one who reaches the level of a person in that he is communicating with and I mention this as well, the environment s/he is in.
Through many obstacles through the life this person went through many happiness and struggles he overcame and experienced. He therefore wished to pass over's his experiences on to others so they may benefit. Some of the things he has learnt and in this article he hopes that readers will enjoy and make their life so much easier is that he has tried many things and has done research on understanding aspects in our lives tat we wonder why life is difficult. This understanding and research though will not completely remove our problems it is hoped there is some improvement of it and the reader is encouraged to find their own ways to help make their world a much better place.
Many disabilities can be improved through karate lessons such as if you find it difficult to stand in one place for long periods of time attending the suitable karate lessons may improve that.
Also he has done research on what stress is, his opinion stress is how the day goes for a person. There are 24 hours a day and how that day goes can be painful or very difficult. To start of with doing what you enjoy is a most important thing to do and also learning how to manage different aspects of your day as well. This is an ongoing practice and works for some people and we need to find other ways improve on that.
Living in this Earth we encounter many problems and are not fully satisfied. No one can be fully satisfied because your brain does not stop thinking. This may be hard to comprehend and understand but once you achieve that level I hope that you feel more content. But if you find it difficult to understand I advise that you look at other ways on gaining contentment within yourselves as this is quite a sensitive and difficult subject to explain.
You may wonder about jealousy and hatred and enmity and how people thing negative towards you and you may feel those negative emotions within yourselves. The good news is that these are natural emotions within a human being and we should not get too upset if people display these things to us. The best way is to move away from that environment. And when you feel jealousy, enmity or any other negative emotions towards others we should not think we are bad or evil people. More we should try and harness these emotions and let it go. It is more about a person's road to moral perfection which means becoming a better person and understanding how we feel and making sure it does not affect our mental stability.
This is some of the knowledge the writer of the article wishes to give and there are more. So far he has explained what motivates him in his work and the continuous information he is always gaining and learning from around him and passing some of it this article.
The writer of this article's own upbringing was not easy and looked ways of making life easier for his self and went though many experiences and was a seeker of knowledge as a young person and an adult which he shares. For two English people to get along with each other even though one is Hindu and the other one is Muslim may be difficult in some scenarios. The way they will work around that is both of them respecting each others religion and being normal English men. Now we going we discuss about reaching content men in life. Suppose we can never be content however one idea that may benefit the reader is having enough money for survival and building upon that and going through a path of spiritual contentment as a foundation as well so you may not worry about mortality that much.
We all make choices in life and we think we are right or not sure so this bit is about defining what is right and what is wrong. This we have two choices to think about, as all religions teach you to do well and you have law of the country to obey who are to follow? So you need to make an informed decision within these perimeters and take in account other aspects such i.e. you cultures, tradition etc.
We wonder what we gain from not gaining revenge on our enemy. It may be pain full at first, the secret hidden quality is that you become agile and wise and the satisfaction you gain is that life is full of problems so you may not need to get you revenge as in the course of life they done bad and may get bad back for you to observe. I hope this one was not that controversial but I hope my readers will feel a sense of contentment after reading this as it gives them a good excuse not to do bad to a person who had one bad to them
In the internet there is so much stuff out there good and bad. What do you differentiate and the best way to utilise this powerful tool used by millions throughout the world. With me I love reading and gaining knowledge about anything and everything. I have learnt for example about learndirect courses. For a moment who might be thinking what does he think is he going to say? I thought this subject is about internet. It is and more. I have a bit of autism which means understanding aspects such as the convections we use in everyday life, how to behave and also I had trouble seeing the world clearly. This course actually made an improvement on this, it was Learndirect English Level 2. I studied all of it and wow I was relieved that it helped me. The lesson I learnt from this is that you may go to the doctor and they diagnose you with a condition and put you on a treatment plan. They maybe correct and have to live with that difficulty for the rest of your life. That does not mean that you can not be improved and have a better standard of life. I think the person needs to do research and find out what would work for them in trying to improve their condition.
I would at first try things which are free then look at other therapies. Learn direct English may even help with dyslexia. I completed a Security Guard training with G4S for a Door Supervisor course and that helped me improve my stutter and communications skills, the bit of the course where it talks about how we communicate with each other encoding and sending messages.
One of the most fundamentals aspect of life is the way the world is. You become ill, you go doctor they give stuff to take and you expect to become better. When it does not work you think it is the doctors fault that they done something wrong. Maybe they should have done more. I believe we should try and see the good in everything and if it does not go our way, keep silent and move on without hurting anyone feeling and complaining . The best approach I take would be to take control of your situation and utilise the support there is out there and do your best to get better and try different things. That learndirect course worked for me but may not work for others but it is something to think about. One of my brother complained that the doctor was not treating my mum properly and was getting upset, I said change doctor. Simple solution. Also I used to have much migraines and every time I used to a doctor they gave me headache tablets. That was wrong, I seeked other advice and that helped.
Also there are other aspect which is not scientific which I think is good to share. Do you know when we want something or become ill our mum says pray to the person above for. That is good but I found that there is other way's instead of prayer alone. I described it in one of my poems. We need to try and make things happen by doing research, being practical and making things happen in a peaceful way without hurting anyone physically and emotionally. Because of what is bad can be turned into good. For example I had a toilet problems and used to use the toilet too much. It was almost a life destroyer. Tried prayer alone, did not get results, went doctor no good, asked for a second opinion sent me to hospital, no luck after many test, could have said the hospital are not doing things right. Almost gave up, had many meeting with doctor. Eventually they sent me to Ulogy department and done may tests. Don't want to bore you so I get straight to the point. The outcome of the test was overactive bladder syndrome. They were not sure, told me stop fizzy drinks, tea, caffeine etc and put me on bladder medication and to exercise my bladder by holding it as much as I can. The result was it made an alright improvement and I use the toilet less. The moral of the story is if you got nothing to lose don't give up and do not just rely on prayer alone and also you are more than happy to ask me for advice. If I have time I shall do research for you

What's a gang?
It means many things but a gang and group of people is the same thing. When I grew up there was no gang there was crews and people in the know under their breath said the name of the gang such as 'the circle'. And it changes all the time as people sometimes say his going to school and joining a gang. What is important note as group is the same as a gang, its more complicated than that. The point I am making is that school acts like a social agency where friends and students are integrated into society to learn the values of society and things like the hidden curriculum such as it is every mans for his self, that does not mean you should not have some kind of support network.
The problems get with 'gangs' when they do bad things, it is important to know what is right and what is wrong and sometimes people do not know that properly. That needs to be educated in to them and as the world is full of many problems and the nature of it means there will always direct or indirect pressure and I say obstacles not to good and be bad. It an ongoing struggle within oneself as sometimes the older ones with evil intentions who mind is more advanced manipulated with physical and more in this society mental pressure to join their group and do bad stuff in the context that is good.
There is also in many group gang mentality and that can be not a bad thing only when it lead to violence and mischievousness. That means that group is drawn to violence and dangerous talk when talking to group members and outsiders. The output is when members or outsiders make a mistake there is chance they will get hurt. The language is English but in a different context.
Some people think being of a gangster or Don comes fame and privileges. In some ways it true but if you want fame and privileges and you pursue it in a different way such being top of class and go reach a level of overall comfort that is such as good. There is always you will be danger that you are messed up both ways and that is better to be 'bad' because of the buzz.
Girlfriend and boyfriend
Some people like being in a relationship and some people do not go out with boys and girls. The feeling of being in relationship is still great
Are people who are angry in society on the same level as the once in Prison. Everyone deserves a fair chance and the way the world is the pressures that a person faces is tough. Than can make a person angry and volatile. So how do you justify yourself as being a good person with a sound mind? As what happens when a person shows his the knight in armour when he sees a girl, proposes the family thinks his the one and when after a while he shows his true colour, nightmare scenario happen and acts violent and weird. How can he justify this actions and what is the reason for this behaviour?
Being Happy
Being content is a desire everyone wants to achieve. I think if you have some kind of foundation maybe such as believing in something, for some it can be religion and following that no matter how the situation is with a person and building upon that. As the way the brain is no one can be fully satisfied no matter how content or discontent you are.
Know what the difference is between good and bad actions. As when you go for the path of doing bad actions it becomes part of you and is hard to change. If that happens you need to be top of things and get help and say that's it got to fix up and not be wrapped in that world. For example if you are drug dealer and you say to your self once I make enough money I shall stop. But you find that the phones does bot stop ringing, you are better of making that much money than you are working legitimate as if you do not enjoy the legitimate job it is very hard to make money that way. The temptation may be too great and think 'just choose this way of life'. Once more dangerous is that you have to be aware that facing the law you end up being messed up both ways.
The way to sort this out is to take control of the situation block your mind and get help to a scenario that you are comfortable doing things right.
Some people have religion as a foundation and practice it much as they possibly can to the best of their ability and if they get in the situation when they are alone that protects them from being alone and something to live for when loved ones die such as close friends and they have to look for a new community to be part of. Hard at first nothing to look backwards, just by having that religion as a foundation and getting on with you face more obstacles but general feeling of contentments.
That what happened to Asian communities when our elders , uncles had come to England as immigrants for a better life. They were alone and had no one, were well religious and decent people. Worked hard and only had a little family and few friends such as only restaurant people to hang about with and the onces they met from Bangladesh. It was hard work but there was great community and happiness amongst them because they had religion and a few friends. Not like us when we was young competing against our fellow who has more friends. Sometimes it is all in the mind I think. The few once we can rely are most important. Hope my readers understand what am getting at and hopefully there will be less change we end up like that Ed Gien. I do not want sound bad but he should have some kind of foundation and look at some community to enter and try and go to a path of moral perfection and he would not be like the way he was. Of course it is not easy and is an ongoing struggle but there is something in our mind we have to switch .
A person asked the definition what is normal person. The reply is what is Normal? How do you know that you are a high class person who has high pedigree. I think the conclusion you don't you just have to hope for the best that you behave appropriately in the environment you are in. Usually it gets defined how good your character is and other aspects as well.