Beckton Youth Zone Jan’ 2006- May 2008
1 Kingsford Way
London E6 5JQ
In after school club 2pm-5pm and when they needed me at other times where I undertake duties to advice young students on the path of education, training and enterprise and making them aware of the importance of these factors within a supervised environment.
Co-ordinating play activities for the enjoyment and development of club users
ensuring the safety and well-being of club users through checking equipment,
undertaking first line protection measures and organising activities appropriate
for the users at any given time.
Helped maintain a safe environment when we reached a 60+ young people with the support of only two colleagues at one session when we were short of staff
Lead Worker:
Worked with the youth committee and the Young Mayor of Newham to represent
my peers that gave contributions such as important decisions that was listened by
senior colleagues in the council for the benefit of the community and young people
Assisting in projects directly benefiting the youth in respect to more social
education programmes and community activities.
I have had helped mixed abilities young people give input to the online websi
'Young person guide to Eastlondon' were we took picture of various sites
including Gallion reach Mcdonalds and parts of Beckton for the online magazine.
gave my own contribution to ‘Young persons guide to East London’ as well.

Representing The Jack Petchy Foundation as the Lord Mayors
Show 2009. I was a flag bearer in representing the numerous nationalities who
live in the UK.
It was memorable day which lasted the whole day, watched by 500,000 in the streets
and televised throughout the UK.
Jack Petchey Foundation asked our young people to represent them to boost their
profile as well as experiencing a wonderful event which raises awareness of the
diversity of nationalities who live in London.
I was lucky enough to be selected as a youth worker along with the young people
we work with.
Worked with an organisation called Waterway Champions that help raise awareness and also helped clean up waterways